Biz Extra

20 Questions: Featuring Sam Savage, Director of South Coast Events & South Coast Weddings

Sam Savage: Where’s my favourite place in Dorset? My parent's house. The cupboards are always full!

By Staff Reporter [email protected]

Published: January 16, 2020 | Updated: 20th January 2020

Each week we shine the spotlight on a member of Dorset’s business community and ask him, or her, for answers to our part fun/part serious questionnaire. This time…

She counts herself as a dog person, gets angry at people who don’t use basic manners and would like to share a car with – deep breath – the Dalai Lama, Richard Branson, Barack Obama and The Queen. Oh, to be a fly on the wall of that journey!

Sam Savage, the award-winning Director of South Coast Events & South Coast Weddings, takes the 20 Questions’ hotseat.

Question: What’s your favourite TV show?

Answer: Anything with crime and investigation in it.

Q: Who would you like to share a car with?

A: I am fascinated by people so the list could be long (we’d need a coach!) but I’ll narrow it down to the Dalai Lama, Richard Branson, Barack Obama and The Queen.

Q: The best bit of my job is…?

A: Visibly seeing the stress leave people as you take everything off their plate.

Q: And the worst…?

A: I love my job so there’s not really a worst thing but I do need to remember to take ‘me time’ and de-stress.

Q: Are you a cat – or dog – person?

A: Definitely a dog person. We have two:  a Maltipoo called Hudson and a Shitzu cross named Mollie.

Q: What’s your favourite smell?

A: Vanilla or ground coffee.

Q: Where’s your favourite place in Dorset?

A: My parent’s house. The cupboards are always full!

Q: What advice would you give to anyone starting out on a career?

A: Be prepared to work hard and make sacrifices but it’s worth the effort.

Q: What was your first record/CD?

A: I can’t remember but it was likely to be a cassette tape of Kylie Minogue/Michael Jackson.

Q: What gets you angry?

A: People who don’t use basic manners.

Q: Do you have a favourite piece of music?

A: My favourite changes depending on my mood. I’m currently listening to The Stone Roses, Oasis, The Cure and Manic Street Preachers on Spotify.

Q: What are the qualities you look for in a new employee?

A: Common sense above all else.

Q: What’s your favourite food or dish?

A: I am such a foodie (I write for Dorset Foodie Family as a hobby) and will eat pretty much anything and love it! The only thing I don’t like is olives.

Q: Steamed sponge pudding and custard or a plate of melon?

A: It’s January so melon. Ask me again in December!

Q: Name the best thing about living/working in Dorset?

A: Dorset is an amazing place to live with the beach and the forest on the doorstep. We’re very lucky! Work wise, for me, it’s also great as there are so many beautiful venues that I get to spend time in. There really is something to suit every occasion.

Q: If you were Prime Minister for the day what would be the first thing you do?

A: Work on saving the NHS.

Q: What’s your biggest frustration?

A: Again, people who don’t say thank you – it costs nothing!

Q:  Where’s your favourite holiday location?

A: Canada. I lived there for eight years, have dual citizenship and went back with my husband for a month last summer.

Q: Where do you see yourself in ten years’ time?

A: Happy and healthy – that’s all I can ask for!

Q: What would you like to be remembered for?

A: Being a decent human being.

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