Not for Profit

(L-R) Clare Gallie (Lewis-Manning Hospice Care), Jeff Mostyn and Warren Munson (Evolve)
Published: January 17, 2024 | Updated: 17th January 2024
Parkstone Yacht Club in Poole played host to Lewis-Manning Hospice Care’s ‘An Audience With… Jeff Mostyn’.
The former AFC Bournemouth Chairman took his audience through the journey of his life – from his humble northern roots, leaving school at 15, facing adversity and his diverse working career successes to his enduring passion for football and of course his history with his beloved AFC Bournemouth and their fairy tale success.
Described as a heart-warming event with an audience packed with supporters of both AFC Bournemouth and the hospice, it also saw the announcement of Jeff’s appointment as Patron of Lewis-Manning.
The conversation was compered by Warren Munson from Evolve, who allowed Jeff Mostyn to share his stories with much passion, emotion and humour.
When asked, ‘What advice would you give to your younger self’, Jeff responded by saying: “Stand up for yourself, never let anyone tell you that you can’t achieve”.
His definition of personal success: “Achieving your dreams and your goals within your limitations and not what other people expect of you.”
There was a flurry of questions at the end with Jeff in no rush to leave his captivated audience who thanked him for his loyalty to AFC Bournemouth and his unwavering commitment to the club and its fans.
Clare Gallie, Chief Executive Officer of Lewis-Manning, said: “Wow, what a pleasure it was to have Jeff and his wife Rosie with us this evening. What a journey to hear about. We are so pleased to welcome Jeff on board as a Patron too, it’s a real honour to have his continued commitment to our charity.”
Warren added: “Jeff’s whole story and the candid and honest manner in which he shared it meant that he was such a huge inspiration to everyone in the room. I interview many people but this conversation was one of the most enjoyable ever.”
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