Not for Profit

MyTime Young Carers is one of the good causes helped by Dorset Community Foundation. Picture: DK Capture Photography.
Published: May 17, 2020 | Updated: 17th May 2020
A charitable foundation which raises funds for those most in need is celebrating a phenomenal six-week response to the launch of its Dorset Coronavirus Community Fund.
Dorset Community Foundation has quickly awarded £300,000 to more than 100 groups supporting those most disadvantaged in the current crisis.
The funding has been made to projects across Dorset, within towns, villages and both urban and rural communities.
The foundation has also worked closely with the National Emergencies Trust, local and regional charitable trusts and generous individuals to raise £500,000.
Grant Robson, Foundation Director, pictured left, said: “I am overwhelmed by people’s generosity which has enabled us to play a significant part in Dorset’s response to the crisis.
“We have made grants to foodbanks, community transport, older people’s groups, health and disability support, community volunteers, food deliveries, homelessness, mental health and family well-being, to name a few.
“We are by no means finished and with the help of local companies, charitable trusts and individuals we will keep making grants.
“There is a long and difficult road ahead and we need to pull together and help the most vulnerable during these difficult times.”
One of the funded projects is Portland Foodbank.
The project received a grant of £5,000 to support food purchases and fuel costs for deliveries being made by volunteers.
The project has seen the number of people who need its help double.
The lockdown and social distancing has also made its work very challenging.
Cllr Kate Wheller said: “Portland Food bank has always been a much used and appreciated facility.
“Whilst being a wonderful place to live Portland has very high percentage of elderly people on basic pensions and low waged young families.
“At the outset of the coronavirus crisis demand more than doubled and quickly outstripped our donations.
“We have been immensely grateful to Dorset Community Foundation for its grant.
“Lockdown has resulted in a reduction of food donations and we have been spending £1,000 each week to cater for essential provisions.”
MYTime Young Carers also received funding to enable the charity to reach out to young carers all over the county at a time when they are likely to be feeling particularly isolated and overwhelmed.
Penelope Day from the charity said: “MYTime Young Carers are so grateful to have received this funding.
“The money will go straight into MYTime@Home, our online programme launched specifically in response to the coronavirus crisis, and designed to provide young carers with the support and bite-sized opportunities for relaxation they need right now.”