Heidi Roper, Founder NEHD, and Nick Gregory, Operations Director at Dorset Growth Hub and NEHD consultant.
Published: June 13, 2022 | Updated: 14th June 2022
Heidi Roper saw a gap in the market for a holistic approach to business support.
So the experienced strategic business leader and HR professional set out to close it.
The result is a new brand, NEHD (Non-Execs Hampshire & Dorset), launched in partnership with ViewHR, Dorset Growth Hub, Dorset Council and Plana.
Now 50 local companies have the opportunity to complete the Business Growth Tool online, answering simple questions about company financials, key challenges, vision and goals.
This, in turn, will produce a report with feedback on where the business is now and maps out where it wants to be.
Heidi has assembled The Board Collective – a group of highly experienced specialists who are available to work collectively on the business and at no cost.
They include specialists in all key business areas to support applicants to grow a successful business in the current challenging environment.
The Board Collective comprises:
An initial 15 companies will gain access to the above experts, effectively a mini-Board to guide a business in the right direction.
NEHD willl put together the strongest collective offering business strategy, marketing, finance, legal, sales, compliance, HR, international trade and M&A specialists to provide tailored support to businesses applying.
Heidi, NEHD’s Founder, said: “In a saturated market of subject area experts working independently, and sometimes providing contradictory advice, we at NEHD provide a collective support solution that is completely unique.”