Published: January 14, 2020 | Updated: 17th January 2020
You don’t often see the word ‘chuffed’ these days.
But you’re about to – in close succession.
Because we’re chuffed, in fact very chuffed.
Today, January 15, 2020, exactly 15 weeks after the launch of Dorset Biz News, we hit another milestone.
The number of active users of our specialist business news website broke through the 6,000 mark.
That’s from a zero audience and zero name recognition, less than four months ago.
As of today, we also have:
Dorset Biz News is no big media conglomerate.
In fact, I reckon we could probably qualify as Dorset’s tiniest limited company.
It’s essentially a former hack, armed with a notebook, camera and computer, who had the urge to return to journalism after a 24-year break and had an idea for a business news website.
Above all he – well, actually me – had the support of his long-suffering wife of 34 years and a fantastic son, both shareholders in our family company.
We put our money where our mouth is (we have no external investors or shareholders), rolled up our sleeves and set to work.
So a huge thank you for looking our way.
Because, whisper it quietly.
I reckon we may be onto something here…