Biz Extra

Published: November 25, 2021 | Updated: 26th November 2021
Each week we shine the spotlight on a member of Dorset’s business community and ask him, or her, for answers to our part fun/part serious questionnaire. This time…
Her favourite holiday location is Dubai, the best bit of her job is her guests, the worst is getting up at 05:30 to cook breakfast and her top TV show is Fawlty Towers because “since owning The Gresham I’ve realised just how close to the truth it was.”
Louise Matthews, Owner, The Gresham Guest House in Weymouth, occupies the 20 Questions’ hot seat.
Question: What is your favourite TV show?
Answer: Fawlty Towers. Since owning The Gresham I’ve realised just how close to the truth it was!
Q: Who would you like to share a car with?
A: The Rt Hon Indarjit Singh CBE. I used to enjoy listening to his ‘Thought for The Day’ broadcasts on the Radio 4 Today programme. Such a wise man.
Q: The best bit of my job is…?
A: Our guests. I am fortunate to meet so many interesting people of all ages.
Q: And the worst?
A: Getting up at 5:30am to prepare breakfast!
Q: Who was your childhood hero?
A: My father. He has certainly been the most influential person in my life.
Q: What’s your favourite smell?
A: Lavender. I find it really soothing.
Q: Where’s your favourite place in Dorset?
A: Abbotsbury Beach. The sea there is mesmerising and it’s a perfect place to while away the hours and relax.
Q: What advice would you give to anyone starting out on a career?
A: Don’t let anybody tell you ‘you can’t’!
Q: What was your first record/CD?
A: UB40 – One in Ten.
Q: What gets you angry?
A: Cruelty and unkindness. If we all treated others as we would like to be treated the world would be a better place!
Q: Do you have a favourite piece of music?
A: I really had to think about this. The Jupiter Movement from Gustav Holst’s Planet Suite.
Q: What are the qualities you look for in a new employee?
A: Attitude and aptitude along with a sense of fun and the ability to work as part of a team.
Q: What’s your favourite food or dish?
A: Fresh fish. I love it when I am able to buy it straight from the boat in the Harbour.
Q: Steamed sponge pudding and custard or a plate of melon?
A: Definitely steamed sponge pudding and custard!
Q: Name the best thing about living/working in Dorset?
A: The people and also the scenery which is stunning, whether inland or on the coast. It’s warmer here too!
Q: If you were Prime Minister for the day what would be the first thing you do?
A: Allocate more money for the social and care services. I think it’s sad we seem to neglect the youngest and oldest in our society in equal measure.
Q: What’s your biggest frustration?
A: The lack of empathy and support so often shown to victims of domestic abuse, particularly by law enforcers and those charged with protecting the vulnerable, despite recent legislation.
Q: Where’s your favourite holiday location?
A: Dubai.
Q: Where do you see yourself in ten years’ time?
A: Hopefully still here but perhaps with someone else cooking the breakfasts!
Q: What would you like to be remembered for?
A: My resilience. I hope people will also remember me for kindness and fairness.