Biz Extra

What would I like to be remembered for? She had faith in herself, dreamed it, achieved it...

By Staff Reporter [email protected]

Published: March 16, 2023 | Updated: 17th March 2023

Here’s where we shine the spotlight on a leading light in Dorset and ask him, or her, for answers to our part fun/part serious questionnaire.

This time…She gets angry at injustice, chooses a freshly baked cake or cookies as her favourite smell, doesn’t like negativity and prefers melon to steamed sponge pudding, but carved by herself before eaten, of course!

Szimonetta Zombori, Cake & Chocolate Maker Artist, takes the 20 Questions’ hot seat.

Question: What is your favourite TV show?

A: My favourite two are Lipstick Jungle and Friends. Friends always makes me laugh; I just love all the characters and it’s really free from violence and that’s an extra bonus.

Q: Who would you like to share a car with?

A: My first choice would be Louise L Hay. She was the first spiritual coach that I listened to and I am always surprised how far we can go if we take the time and care about our personal development. The second one is Sophia Armoruso Andrea, author of the Girl Boss book. She inspired me so much to keep going because a ‘Girl Boss’ woman can achieve anything that she wants; it doesn’t matter how hard it is.

Q: The best bit of my job is…?

A: The moment when I see the real happiness on my clients’ faces when they see my cake, other sweet creations or carvings for the first time. There is no bigger reward than being able to create and make their vision come true.

Q: And the worst?

A: My creations won’t last long. That’s hard to accept, especially when I put so many hours in. People will eat it but they will remember it.

Q: Who was your childhood hero?

A: I loved all the Disney Princesses like Pocahontas and Mulan. They were real warrior heroines in my eyes.

Q: What’s your favourite smell?

A: There is no better smell than a freshly baked cake or cookies. I also love fresh flowers and the smell of freshly ground coffee in the morning.

Q: Where’s your favourite place in Dorset?

A: I really love to go for a walk in Coy Pond Gardens and Hengistbury Head.

Q: What advice would you give to anyone starting out on a career?

A: You must remember that it will be really hard, but your hard work will pay off and there is no better feeling than to be your own boss and see your vision come true. It doesn’t matter how tired you are just don’t give up on your dream!

Q: What was your first record/CD?

A: That was a long time ago and I don’t really remember to be honest. Probably I had some CDs from Hungarian bands.

Q: What gets you angry?

A: Injustice. This is one of the main things that make me angry, together with arrogance.

Q: Do you have a favourite piece of music?

A: My music taste is so wide, it really depends on my mood. If I’m training, I like to listen to rock or hip hop etc. But I also love soft piano and pop music.

Q: What are the qualities you look for in a new employee?

A: I like to discover the topics that they are passionate about, then you can see how passionate they are. You can definitely find the right person if you watch them closely. So, being passionate, ambitious and kind.

Q: What’s your favourite food or dish?

A: I am a real foodie! I love cooking and baking but maybe grilled vegetables with chicken and roasted pine nuts is my favourite dish.

Q: Steamed sponge pudding and custard or a plate of melon?

A: I am more of a French cake and pastries lover, so I would choose melon (I will carve it before I eat it of course!).

Q: Name the best thing about living/working in Dorset?

A: I love running so there is no better place for the morning run than on the beach when it’s so early and almost no one is around. That’s one of my favourite things.

Q: If you were Prime Minister for the day what would be the first thing you do?

A: I would make a new law to give everyone a paid day off on their birthday so they can rest or celebrate with their friends with tasty and amazing cakes.  I would radically reduce the salary for everyone in politics but I would give a better salary for teachers and firefighters. We depend so much on teachers as our kids need happy, passionate teachers who love their job and don’t struggle to pay bills. Also, those who risk their own life to save others every single day deserve a much higher salary.

Q: What’s your biggest frustration?

A: Probably negativity. I can’t really deal with negative people because I always try to find a solution in every situation. This does not mean that I don’t have struggles, but I choose to find solutions to them rather than just be sad about them and do nothing.

Q:  Where’s your favourite holiday location?

A: Italy and Portugal. We were on our honeymoon in Madeira, Portugal, so this is extra special to me.

Q: Where do you see yourself in ten years’ time?

A: I love to set goals because they motivate us to go ahead and do the things that have to be done. Hopefully, I will have my own baking school and artisan pastry and coffee shop. In this field (cake world and food carving) everyone will know my name and I will successfully compete in several international and world championships. Hopefully, by this time, I will have travelled all around the world with my husband and my two boys!

Q: What would you like to be remembered for?

A: She was persistent and hard working. She never gave up on her vision and dream. No one really thought that she would be able to achieve it but she had faith in herself, she dreamed it and then achieved it.

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