
Dorset students receive record agricultural grants from Gillingham and Shaftesbury Agricultural Society

By Sam Pither [email protected]

Published: August 30, 2024 | Updated: 13th September 2024

A record fifteen rural students from Dorset have been awarded crucial grants by the Gillingham and Shaftesbury Agricultural Society to support their education in agriculture, animal welfare, and conservation.

The society, which organises the Gillingham & Shaftesbury Show, manages the Student Support Fund, dedicated to helping students entering agricultural, horticultural, and land-based industries.

The fund, now in its fourth year, has awarded grants totalling approximately £6,000. These grants assist with expenses such as course fees, books, equipment, and transport from rural areas to educational institutions.

Georgia Angel, a 21-year-old from Margaret Marsh, will use her grant to further her education at Bristol Veterinary School after completing a degree in Biological Science.

Oliver Swanton, a 12-year-old from Shaftesbury, plans to use his grant for transport to Dorset Studio School in Dorchester, which focuses on land and environment studies.

Gracie-Mae Barkess, 16, from Gillingham, who has a mobility condition, will use her grant for a laptop and transport to Kingston Maurward College.

Nathan Keeble, 16, studying Wildlife Conservation and Ecology at Kingston Maurward, shared his relief: “The bus journey from my home in Motcombe to Kingston Maurward takes an hour and costs over £800 for the year, so this grant will really help. I want to be a game warden.”

His classmate Toby Portnell, also 16, from Mere, will use his grant for transport and equipment for his course in Livestock and Agriculture. Toby said: “I’m keen to own my own farm. I already work part-time on a dairy farm and have a 40-strong herd of my own sheep.”

Matthew Price, chair of the Student Support Fund, praised the students’ dedication: “There is a huge amount of positivity about these youngsters and many display a great work ethic.

“Some, like Nathan, have been volunteering at the Gillingham and Shaftesbury Show as a thank you for their fund and to learn more about the work behind the scenes.”

He highlighted the financial challenges rural students face: “Just the cost of getting to college for some youngsters who live in rural Dorset can be £1,500 a year, and that’s before they’ve bought necessary equipment.

“The Student Support Fund can make all the difference for a rural youngster in continuing their education and helping to create our county’s farmers and countryside custodians of the future.”

The fund is supported by company sponsorships, private donations, and local community groups, including The Young Farmers.

This year’s awards were presented at the Gillingham and Shaftesbury Show by Battens Solicitors, alongside a donation to the fund from the Battens Charitable Trust.

Naomi Dyer, Director of Battens, said: “Our Charitable Trust is focusing on young people, and having a presence at the Gillingham and Shaftesbury Show is a great way to support these young people and the local farming community.”

Applications for the 2025 Student Support Fund will open in March 2025, those interested can email [email protected]. Those interested in supporting the fund through fundraising or sponsorship can contact Sue Harris on 07970 865790.

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