Published: July 31, 2024 | Updated: 31st July 2024
University Hospitals Dorset NHS Charity’s BEACH Appeal has reached £200,000 towards its £1.5 million target to transform care in Dorset.
The appeal, which supports the new BEACH building at Royal Bournemouth Hospital, has received tremendous backing from the local community.
The funds raised will help provide additional items for the new facility, including a CT scanner for the Emergency Department, a wellbeing garden for critically ill patients, and sleep pods for junior doctors.
The BEACH building will house new purpose-built facilities for Births, Emergency, Critical Care, and Children’s Health.
Just three months after its launch, the BEACH Appeal is off to a strong start.
One of the notable contributions came from Morebus, a local bus operator, which donated £50,000. Morebus selected University Hospitals Dorset NHS Charity as its charity of the year for 2024/2025, following a staff vote. Many drivers expressed their desire to give back to the NHS services that had supported them.
Community groups and individuals have also rallied behind the appeal.
NHS staff and their loved ones participated in the first-ever UHD Half Marathon to raise funds for an additional CT scanner.
A group known as the Crafting Grannies showcased their woolly creations to raise awareness and funds, inspiring other local businesses to learn more about the appeal.
Jessica Tyler, University Hospitals Dorset NHS Charity Fundraising Manager, expressed her gratitude: “We can’t thank local businesses like Morebus, as well as our broader community enough for their fantastic support for The BEACH Appeal so far.
“Thanks to you, we’ve reached a fantastic £200,000 milestone in our mission to ensure the BEACH Building has all the extras it needs to take our healthcare into the future – above and beyond what the NHS will fund.
“It is so inspiring to see everyone come together to back the BEACH because they share a goal of making a real difference in how care is provided at Royal Bournemouth Hospital.
“Your generosity and commitment are investments in a brighter future for everyone in Dorset and the surrounding areas. We still have £1.3 million to go, and your continued support is crucial, but this remarkable achievement brings us one step closer to our £1.5 million goal.
“Every donation, no matter the size, makes all the difference.
“Together, we can transform care for Dorset by making a significant impact on our healthcare services, which are always there for our friends, families, and neighbours. If this article has inspired you to support our local hospitals, please drop me an email at [email protected].”
To fundraise, donate, or spread the word about the BEACH Appeal, visit